Thursday, 16 December 2010

We've made it this far

Well it has really been full steam ahead this last few weeks. I Have managed to get my work submitted but I still feel nervous that it will all go wrong. Technology and myself don't always see eye to eye.
I've done my best and I do believe that the work is of a better standard than last year. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

Myself and Emma went for our 20 week scan yesterday and all is going well so its an exciting household here. I am so lucky. In a funny way I do feel that it has helped me be slightly more organised which is a good thing as the due date is around submission time. I cant ever take the easy way out.

I hope everybody has a great Christmas and New Year.

Take care


1 comment:

Shirley Pickford said...

It's been an amazing journey for you, Phil, both in your personal life and in your studies. As for technology, stop worrying - my view is that it will always let me down, but there will usually be a rescue operation.