Monday, 13 October 2008

On line learning

I ve spent most of this evening catching up with people on facebook tonight. I really enjoy the fact that I can get in touch with old school friends quite easily. The downside of this is that it is a good distraction. I am definately going to put that in my cons list.
Ive been reading a little about What is a virtual community and why would you ever need one??
(Sue Boetcher, Heather Duggan, Nancy White).I must admit this is an interesting read. A few of the points made are of definate interest to me. Why do people join and build virtual communities? I think that the main reason for me prior to starting this course was simply to socialize with old friends. Now it is to get advice and guidance from my fellow cohorts and learning facilitators.
Its funny that in a few weeks my views of why I use these media has changed somewhat. I intend to discuss this in greater detail after a little more research.
