Monday, 29 September 2008

Sept 29th


I feel like I have managed to have a productive day today. I arrived at school just after 8 and finished all of the planned laminating and updating of displays that I had started Friday after school. A positive start to my day. Literacy and maths went well today. I enjoyed listening to a few of the children read before I let them loose with a camera, with the instructions of "take pictures that represent what I do in school" .
I guess I didnt know what i'd let myself in for. Pictures of cups of coffee and lamenating machines were the order of the day. Never mind I enjoyed it and the budding David Bailly's seemed to have fun too.
This afternoon was fairly quiet. The children are running for house captains so are planning speeches and election campaigns. Its all good fun and really seems to get them involved.
On the whole today has been a really bright start to my week.

Now onto my studies. I feel like I am getting ahead with it now especially as I have the photos and More of an idea of what is expected. Thank you all for the advice. I 'll post again soon.

1 comment:

Shirley Pickford said...

Asking the children to take photos for your assignment - that is very cool!